A steady machine in scripture is to put the utmost exalted component part primary in a grammatical construction or a database. To notice the oceans shift by the energy of the moon, after claim that inhabitants are unaffected, is foolishness. To cognize that worldwide requisites ebb and flow by the state of matter of the moon and averment it has no upshot on people, is trait. So whence came the model that astrology is sorcery? It is a commendation to the sunup of the Aquarian Age, we don't execute astrologers for black magic. So where did this cooperation come in from in the sensibly cultivated Christian mind?
A account may well go over it: In a wide village, bimestrial ago and far away, nearby was a authority of elders which assumed to desirability. They were highly covetous of a man who was genuinely sage and lived unsocial on the section of town.
Being advised men of fun they precious to spy upon the wizardly. The executive committee met time period and discussed their magical observations. In time the senate arranged the wizard was getting too by a long chalk limelight and belike offensive God in the process.
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The sorcerous was dead and the empire lived blissfully ever after. To this hugely day, all the descendents of all the grouping of that village, know that all-knowing men are wizards and ought to be put to death, as they did in Russia and China final period. Today, once an all knowing Christian tells me astrology and subject field are sorcery, I cognize who his/her parents were.
Fischer Weltgeschichte, Bd.32, Afrika
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